Thursday, July 26, 2007

Remember this?

Tell me if you remember those "Cassette-Read-A-Long-Books" (that go "TING" when it’s time to turn the page). Obviously it’s the Aesop’s fable and I’m pretty sure it’s called "The North Wind and the Sun" (don't ask me how I remembered). Another one I remember is called "The Ant and the Grasshopper". It’s quite brutal for a kid’s story. Anyway, you know this one. During the summer this grasshopper is running around playing games while all the ants are working getting food stored for winter. The grasshopper tells one of the ants to enjoy the sun and stop working so hard because there is plenty of food around. The ant said they needed to store food for winter because there wouldn’t be any around then. So, winter comes and the grasshopper is lying on his back about to die from hunger when he looks over and sees the ants eating all the food they stored for winter and does die.

MORAL: Preparation.
Aesop’s Fables all involve animals and nature etc. and it’s quite strange that these very short, seemingly children’s stories written over 200 years ago are still very relevant today to children and adults alike and are even studied by English Literature students world wide at Universities today.


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