Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Thanks Murphy

Just now I'm sitting in my squeaky grungy fabric office chair eating Dulse and sipping cold green tea and I realize! This recent hurtfull blow to the heart is just my luck. I never get anything good in my life but I can always count on Murphy's Law. It's the only thing constant and Murphy never disappoints me.

Picture this for me...A warehouse filled to the rafters in beautifully wrapped Christmas presents and pretty bows in all various sizes and textures. Knowing that I could pick one and only one to keep for my very own self while being told that there was only one empty box in the whole warehouse of wonders , what joy I would have! I would run with a quickening childlike heart sliding under a Christmas tree in an impetuous frenzy. Everything is grand indeed. Guess which box I would retrieve? Yup! the one full of air that probably had the flatulent elf that wrapped it let one rip into it. Well, I'll just look at the bright side of three conclusions.

A: I could recycle the packaging and save money.
B: The box really wasn't empty at all, it smells like byo-d-elf-graded hot chocolate with marshmellows and a cookie of course!
C: Bringing a thought of happiness to my heart knowing I brought temporary joy to an Elf for I will write a letter to Santa.

Christmas is only 9 months away! Well, so are babies but I won't get one of those but just my luck, even with no more copulating, I'll get one anyway.

Thanks Murphy

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