Sunday, October 14, 2007


Still having computer problems. My computer will just abruptly restart on a whim. It is so aggravating and I don't know how many posts were started for this blog and lost. I consider myself somewhat of a computer savvy and I am yet stumped. I spent the morning at church worrying about my modem and at our Cell meeting I had a minor slip up on the drinking front.

"One wine won't kill you," Hans told me persuasively.
"I guess one won't hurt," I replied as I drank a “crappy” class of red symbolic for the blood of Christ.

I felt like I had committed the carnal sin. I had given into the monster that can be my pancreatitus. It felt so wonderful though. I needed a release and that wine brought upon me a mellow calm.

"How are you holding out?" I then asked Denise.
"I came close to calling my father last night," she said. "This future homelessness is for the birds."

I wish I could offer Denise a home, but that would go over like a lead balloon with boulders.

Did I tell you how gorgeous today was? The sky is a beautiful blue with nary a cloud. The temperature is just perfect -- cool and not too hot, no wind to speak of. It almost makes me wish I were a squirrel and could enjoy this day forever, computer aside. Knowing my lover will soon arrive makes me selfish.

There is a fiasco with the camera. The lens doesn’t see what I see anymore. I used to see through a kaleidoscope. Not being too far from Cinderella dreams and Jane of The Jungle feelings…Sitting in my lawn chair, eating my fresh dills thinking that I was in a pickle, I yet worry about Denise.


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