Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ooga Booga!

The city's population of Umbaúba, Brazil was impressed and shocked: the birth of offspring of a dog with human characteristics. Of the five puppies born, one that was born dead, had human hands and feet, besides the male genital organ.

According to the veterinarian John Farias, this is probably a genetic anomaly. "It is a disorder of chromosome at the time of formation of the fetus, which call Neoformacao Genetics, nothing more than that. There is the possibility that the fetus has been generated from a sexual relationship of a man with a dog, because his sperm is totally different from the animal. The only chromosome that is similar to that of humans is the primate, anyway, it is impossible to fertilization, "he explained.

See more here . There is also lots of photo's cerculating the net, see Google .
All I have to say is get a flippen sheep and stay away from Rover. Ewwww....Isn't this behaviour called Zoophilia?


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