Friday, July 21, 2006

Email banter

I wrote this to him,
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:28:01 -0400

Permítame aparear con usted tan usted no es un lobo solitario. Por favor Doug. Sé que será sólo usted. Just sniff my butt, mount me and keep me.

I think I love you. Teresa.

He wrote this in return.....FAWK!

First... you didn't tell me you spoke or could read and write Spanish. So.... try it in Gaelic... A mhuirnín! A rún mo chroí! Second... When I DO mount you and take you, you'll belong to me and I'll belong to you. And when you pull my seed from me and let me empty myself deep inside you, my fluids will leach into your bloodstream from within you, so that a part of me will forever swim in your blood. From that time on, you'll always carry some of me inside you...forever. Is it fair to me that YOU have MY essence swimming around in YOUR blood that way, and yet you won't let ME sip YOUR essence from your soft, pink petals and take YOUR gift into ME, in return? If you are to be walking around with ME inside YOU, then it's only fair that I have some of YOU swimming around in MY blood, too. Third.... You must be a BIG fan of those old Partridge Family tunes if you're always quoting the lyrics that way...

So, what do I do?

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